Sunday, January 12, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary Chapter 2 verse 22

Chapter 2 verse 22
“Just as a man casts off his worn out clothes and puts on new ones, so also the embodied self casts off it’s worn out bodies and enters new ones”

Every day there is an opportunity to begin fresh thinking that this is the first day of a new life. We are blessed with a body which is functioning (we did wake up didn’t we?), a mind which can actually think that it is a new day and we are still here. Doing this we are able to simulate in our mind the journey of life and death to some extent. This way just in a week, we will have 7 lives and in a month 30 lives. What if we learnt every day to be better and be a new person and the only baggage we carry from previous day is our tendencies which will get cleaner by the day? This is an amazing way to experience the cycle of life and death in a realistic way. Since a lot of us don’t pay attention to days, weeks, months and years of our life. This process might shed light on a more aware living. Krishna is throwing light on the impermanence of the body in this verse but I went somewhere with my thoughts. Going to just keep it there! You are in my mind, body and soul. You are asking us to lead an intentional life! Karishye Vachanam Tava..Will do your biding!

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