Friday, January 17, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary Chapter 2 verse 31

Chapter 2 verse 31

“Further, looking at your own duty, you ought not to waver, for there is nothing higher for a Kshatriya than a righteous war”

Having understood that Arjuna may not have understood the “Soulful” talk, he is going to attempt other means to convince him to fight. What could be a greater way than to goad a warrior to fight by reminding him of his lineage and duty! A Kshatriya is a class in the society of yore in India which was the protector class-kings, kinsmen, chieftains etc., whose primary job in society was to protect the others from external attacks in their kingdom and rule the land. I have not read the quran but righteous war or holy war is probably what Jihad also means and I believe it meant the war one has with themselves to fight good thoughts over evil thoughts and win every day to be a better person. Krishna is qualifying here what is a righteous war. The 1st sloka of Bhagavat Gita also called it the dharmasketra and Kurusketra  (place of battle) which is a place where Dharma prevails or needs to prevail. Krishna believes it is a righteous war to be fought since Pandavas have been denied what is their right and if they don’t fight this injustice, Dharma will not prevail in that land. Dharayathi ithi Dharma- that which holds or protects is Dharma! Hence Krishna is now asking Arjuna to do the right thing by a Kshatriya. Let’s see where this conversation goes next. I am curious and cannot wait!

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