Thursday, January 23, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary Chapter 2 verse 38

Chapter 2 verse 38

“Having made pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat the same, engage in battle for the sake of battle; thus, you shall not incur sin”

Lord Krishna talks about the concept of “pair of opposites”. Sri Sri Ravishankar, present time Guru of Art of living encapsulates this concept as “Pair of opposites needs to be endured with equanimity”. Life is full of pair of opposites. Good health/Bad health, riches/poverty, gain/loss, victory/defeat and more broadly pleasure and pain. If our mind exhibits equanimity in these different circumstances and undertake the task at hand, no impressions remain due to our actions. When no impressions are created due to some action, there is neither punya nor paapa accrued and hence one cuts off the feeder for the cycle of birth and death. I am clearly getting ahead of myself here. Krishna actually is still appealing to the fear and societal shame associated with sin by telling him he wouldn’t commit a sin if he fights the battle with his equanimous mind.

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