Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Srirmad Bhagavat Gita commentary chapter 2 verse 25

Chapter 2 verse 25
“This Self is said to be unmanifest, unthinkable and unchangeable. Therefore knowing this to be such, you should not grieve”

All 3 qualities of the Soul described in this sloka are not comprehensible by the mind or anyone who associates themselves with body and mind. Who will “Know” that you are the soul? Body and mind? No, the source of the “I” has to know and that according to Ramana Maharishi is in the heart. Only 2 ways to drop the mind and reach the soul is to constantly drop the thought or surrender the thought to the Divine in you! Chitta Nivritha Suddhi…he says!

I read somewhere very recently that difference between a teacher and Guru is that Guru gives what is exactly the student needs and the teacher gives what they know in that subject. Here Krishna is behaving like a Gita Acharya not a Guru. Otherwise, he would have realized that Arjuna might not be ready to take this lesson. But maybe he is “leaning” forward and giving Arjuna something he can grow into. I would like to think it is the latter. All of us have to “believe” in the higher possibilities in life. Trust and Belief in the other person’s capabilities would unlock some much of world’s potential and help the world become a better place.

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