Saturday, February 8, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita chapter 2 verse 55

Chapter 2 verse 55

“Lord Krishna said: When a man completely casts off, O Arjuna, all the desires of the mind and is satisfied in the Self by the Self, then is he said to be one of steady wisdom.”

I have read a lot of self help books including one on how to be happy more than 15 years ago. I don’t recollect any of the contents of that book. Much later I have been blessed to understand that happiness is a state of mind. A couple of concepts come to mind when I read this verse. Could one person not be bored with themselves? How can the person lead a stress free life? The answer to both questions is what Krishna is calling a person of steady mind-sthitha prajna; The person should be happy or satisfied in themselves all alone and to be stress free not be clinging to desires of the mind or body. Goal in life is then to have your own company to be your best company and your actions in itself to be your mission and that’s it. Then “You are That”!

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