Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary Chapter 2 verse 59

Chapter 2 verse 59

“The objects of the senses turn away from the abstinent man leaving the longing behind; but his longing also leaves him upon seeing the supreme”

Lord Krishna continues the similarity drawn in the previous verse to the tortoise withdrawing its senses, when the person withdraws their senses, the senses in turn as well doesn’t bother him (poetic way of thinking about it as if sense organs and objects exist outside a person’s gambit!). He also points out that by drawing into the supreme residing in the Self, his longing for sense objects outside of him/her is left behind. My highly limited Sanskrit understanding was laid bare today again when I tried to make out the meaning of this verse without looking at the English translation! There are so many facilities in the modern world we take for granted such as English translation of such great scriptures by great masters and easy accessibility of the same. Let’s count all our blessings! Gratitude to our Guru and Guru parampara and to our Parama Guru- Sriman Narayana or whichever favorite form or formless we want to think of the supreme being!

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