Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary chapter 2 verse 51

Chapter 2 verse 51

“The wise, possessed of knowledge, having abandoned the fruits of their actions and freed from the fetters of birth, go to the state which is beyond all evil.”

Possessing the knowledge of the Self and acting with evenness of mind in Yoga leads one to act without expecting a particular result and is not enamored or clamoring for results. When this state of mind and existence is attained, whatever action we do is done with no attachment and hence there are no consequences different from laws of karma and nature. No additional tendencies called otherwise as Vasanas accumulate due to these desire less actions. This is the essence of Karma yoga but summarized here in this Sloka. I believe Krishna will cover this topic again in chapter 3. I am not reading ahead but going from memory of the past! Not a good thing is it?

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