Friday, February 14, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary chapter 2 verse 61

Chapter 2 verse 61

“Having restrained them all, He should sit steadfast, intent on Me; his wisdom is steady whose senses are under control”

The ability to lose the mind and intellect and drawn oneself to Self is the act of meditation or samaadhi and that’s what Lord Krishna is urging Arjuna to do. Stillness of body leads to stillness of mind and Intellect. Ramana Maharishi says that you cannot control the mind using the mind itself. So it is important to drop the mind to get to Self. For this to be an experiential reality needs tremendous discipline of the body, mind and Intellect and above all divine grace! We all need to start somewhere. Well begun is just well begun “not half done” in this case!

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