Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary chapter 3 verse 3

Chapter 3 verse 3

“The blessed lord said: In this world there is a twofold path, as said before, O sinless one; the ‘path of knowledge’ of the saankhyans and the ‘path of action’ of the yogins”

Lord Krishna compassionately understands the confusion of Arjuna who he calls the ‘sinless’ one. Sins are not a concept in sanatana dharma. No action by itself is good or bad. It is the intention of the action which will have consequences according to the laws of karma. Therefore nobody is a sinful creature. Krishna has explained the paths of knowledge and path of yoga in summary in chapter 2. He talked at length about the path of knowledge in previous chapter and he is going to explain the path of yoga in this chapter. Over the ages these paths have been thought of as separate. However both the paths have to converge at some point for the person to attain the divine. We will explore what Bhagwan Krishna enumerates in following verses.

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