Monday, February 17, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary chapter 2 verse 66

Chapter 2 verse 66

“There is no Self knowledge to the unsteady mind and to the unsteady mind no meditation; and to the person who does not meditate there is no peace; to the person without peace, how can there be happiness?”

Krishna uses the word “Bhaavana” for meditation or contemplation. In other words, the person who doesn’t search inward for the Self within through contemplation and meditation, their mind goes everywhere and becomes unsteady and where the mind is not steady, there is no peace and when there is no peace of mind, the person cannot be happy. I had to look up Bhaavana and found out that it is a pali word used extensively by Buddhism for mind related matters. The interlink of different schools of thought and ways of life in Bhaarata varsha seems to be rooted in the same Sanatana dharma principles.

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