Saturday, February 15, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary chapter 2 verse 62-63

Chapter 2 verse 62-63

“When a man thinks of objects, attachment for them arises; from attachment desires is born; from desire arises anger…
From anger comes delusion; from delusion, loss of memory; from loss of memory, the destruction of discrimination; from destruction of discrimination, he perishes”

Lord Krishna talks about the fall of a human being even when the person is still alive from a body standpoint. I have heard a concept of ladder of fall or reverse ladder – once you set your senses on external objects of the world, attachment happens for that object which takes one step by step on a downward spiral staircase! That attachment to object leads to desire, non fulfillment of that desire leads to anger. Anger prevents one from thinking straight and leads to delusion. Delusion leads to loss of sanity or one’s intrinsic memory borne out of all of our previous Samskaras (tendencies). Loss of memory leads to destruction of discrimination. Lord Krishna here uses the word “Buddhi” interchangeably with “Viveka” which is the word in Sanskrit for discrimination. With that, he is indicating to us that if Buddhi-which is intellect in English is not use for appropriate discrimination between the “real” and “unreal”, then that intellect is pretty much non-existent or dead! Krishna packs so much power into these 2 verses that I decided to combine them both for commentary. This is a drop the mic moment for him. There is no more words to add to these verses. All this commentary is just noise- mere words or blabbering of the mind and intellect. Reflection on these divine words is necessary for all of us.

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