Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary chapter 18 verse 43

 Chapter 18 verse 43               

“Valor, strength, fortitude, skill in weaponry, resolution never to retreat from battle, large-heartedness in charity, and leadership abilities, these are the natural qualities of work for Kshatriyas.” 

Historically in human society there was always a warrior class of people which has in the present world expanded to leaders of state and leaders of business corporations. Their usual mode of operation is very similar. These persons are rewarded for being brave, strong physically and mentally, die hard attitude in finishing tasks they take up, never run away from challenges (righteous battle in old times and some battles even in current times), generous giving and other leadership qualities. Their predominant mode of action is passion driven or rajasic with some amount of purity thrown in. We all know people like this around us.

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