Thursday, June 17, 2021

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary chapter 18 verse 45

 Chapter 18 verse 45               

“By fulfilling their duties, born of their innate qualities, human beings can attain perfection. Now hear from me how one can become perfect by discharging one’s prescribed duties.” 

Material energy in its original state in nature likes to exist in its innate form and when agitated tries to come back to their original position. Atoms of different objects behave the same way. Similarly the mental makeup of a human being with innate tendencies is most comfortable conforming to those tendencies in equilibrium. As well, each soul plans its lifetime for particular lessons to be learnt and hence sets up conditions of the environment, family, resources or lack thereof in order to learn that spiritual lesson in the best and easiest way possible. The body, mind, intellect and ego instruments forget that the soul has made this plan for us in this lifetime and go about resisting all occurrences if it is not conducive to our immediate happiness of those instruments. Bhagwan Krishna in this verse states a profound concept of this soul’s plan and how to focus on acting with perfection duties given to us in this lifetime and exhaust the innate tendencies we are trying to overcome in our journey to spiritual perfection and eventual enlightenment.

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