Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary chapter 18 verse 51-53

 Chapter 18 verse 51-53               

“One becomes fit to attain Brahman when he or she possesses a purified intellect and firmly restrains the senses, abandoning sound and other objects of the senses, casting aside attraction and aversion. Such a person relishes solitude, eats lightly, controls body, mind, and speech, is ever engaged in meditation, and practices dispassion. Free from egotism, violence, arrogance, desire, possessiveness of property, and selfishness, such a person, situated in tranquility, is fit for union with Brahman (i.e., realization of the Absolute Truth as Brahman).” 

Body, mind, Intellect and Ego are instruments which need to be controlled to achieve realization of the absolute truth as Brahman.

Body- control senses-speech, eats lightly to just take care of the body and don’t indulge in extremes. Practice non-violence of the body and mind.

Mind-Practice meditation, tranquility, don’t desire for property, wealth and other material pursuits selfishly

Intellect-Equanimity between like and dislikes, attraction and aversion, relishes solitude, practice dispassion

Ego-free from ego

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