Monday, June 7, 2021

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary chapter 18 verse 33-35

 Chapter 18 verse 33-35               

“The steadfast will that is developed through Yoga, and which sustains the activities of the mind, the life-airs, and the senses, is said to be determination in the mode of goodness.

The steadfast will by which one holds to duty, pleasures, and wealth, out of attachment and desire for rewards, is determination in the mode of passion.

That unintelligent resolve is said to be determination in the mode of ignorance, in which one does not give up dreaming, fearing, grieving, despair, and conceit.” 

Bhagwan enumerates three modes of determination or dhriti. Mode of goodness is through the union of body, mind, senses, prana (life-air) and spirit through yoga. The ability to control one’s senses and other instruments and through which show determination is considered determination of the pure kind. A good example of this form of determination is King Bhagiratha who was determined to bring Ma Ganga onto the earth to help emancipate his ancestor’s souls. 

Those persons who are determined to achieve one’s dharma, material wealth and desires (Dharma, artha and kama) but attached to results and rewards are said to be determined in the mode of passion. A good example of determination in the mode of passion is that of Duryodhana from Mahabharata. He was determined to keep his kingdom at any cost and that’s what led to the kurushetra war and so much destruction.

 Finally, there are people who are also determined to not do things or do certain activities out of fear, despair and conceit are said to be determined in the mode of ignorance. A good example of determination which was acted upon conceit was sage vishwamitra trying to help King Trishanku to gain entry into heaven and on that failure trying to create his own heaven for Trishanku. This is a great example of wasted energies expending what spiritual merit earned through severe penance. Although Sage vishwamitra was an accomplished sage, this example shows how difficult it is to keep one’s senses in check and not get mired in ego and false sense of determination.

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