Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary chapter 18 verse 60

 Chapter 18 verse 60               

“O Arjuna, that action which out of delusion you do not wish to do, you will be driven to do it by your own inclination, born of your own material nature.” 

This is a profound statement of Bhagawan. Based on the inherent tendencies of the current life and previous lives, Arjuna has been born and living as a kshatriya whose role is to fight for the justice and to uphold dharma for his kingdom. In this way, he would also be exhausting his inherent vasanas of aggression and passion in this lifetime itself if possible. Ignorant of this large scheme for his life, Arjuna is pushing back on fighting the kurushetra war. Bhagawan here points out that if he doesn’t listen to his ageless advice, he will anyways be forced to act per his nature. It is better to act with will rather than be forced to act.

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