Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary chapter 18 verse 44

 Chapter 18 verse 44               

“Agriculture, dairy farming, and commerce are the natural works for those with the qualities of Vaishyas. Serving through work is the natural duty for those with the qualities of Shudras.” 

The three gunas or modes of nature-purity, passion and ignorance-Satva, Rajas, Tamas determine in different proportions the natural inclinations of human beings towards different activities in society. In the modern world, we have so many personality tests to determine if someone is suited for a particular job in corporate world or to join the army or to become an architect or to be in trade school etc. The ancient varnashrama or division of labor in society was no different. Over the ages, just like any other human system, it has deteriorated to the bane of society in the form of caste system. The person who has inherent passion in boat loads combined with some ignorance were in commercial activities such as farming, trade etc., and were expected to build the economy of the kingdom or country and also help less fortunate in society similar to the leadership class or kshatriyas. These commercially minded people were called vaishyas. Persons who didn’t exhibit either propensity to lead, create wealth and impart wisdom to society were asked to serve society in their own way through their handiwork as artisans, office workers, professionals in various fields. In the current world, these divisions don’t exist on paper but people do choose professions based on their innate tendencies. Happiness and peace of mind comes to the person who is very comfortable in their skin and aligns with their strengths and innate tendencies. Bhagwan Krishna has said that earlier in the Gita.

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