Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary chapter 18 verse 50

 Chapter 18 verse 50               

“Hear from me briefly, O Son of Kunti, and I shall explain how one, who has attained perfection (of cessation of actions), can also attain Brahman by being firmly fixed in transcendental knowledge.” 

There is a transcendental knowledge through which a person can perform actions without feeling that they are the ones performing actions or feel a state of actionlessness. We have heard about this knowledge but there is no point in information or knowledge without it being applied practically. A popular tamil saying goes like “a vegetable drawn on a slate with a chalk is no good for cooking”. Theoretical knowledge or information is no good without applying it in practical life. We shall see what Bhagawan instructs Arjuna in the following verses.

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