Sunday, June 6, 2021

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary chapter 18 verse 31-32

 Chapter 18 verse 31-32               

“The intellect is considered in the mode of passion when it is confused between righteousness and unrighteousness, and cannot distinguish between right and wrong conduct. That intellect which is shrouded in darkness, imagining irreligion to be religion, and perceiving untruth to be the truth, is of the nature of ignorance.” 

Intellect loses its power of discrimination in the mode of passion and is unable to distinguish between right and wrong conduct. 

On the other hand, Intellect in the mode of ignorance is completely dark about where the person is headed and wrongly thinks of all adharmic activities as dharmic, lies to be truth and bad to be good action. The person is completely clueless not just lazy.

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