Friday, January 24, 2020

2019 Thanksgiving cometh early!

This post was originally written enroute back to United States on Oct 4th 2019 at Doha Airport after spending more than 2 years in India. It was self reflection time after an intensive few incidentally after doing Tarpanam on Amavasya day-Jan 24th 2020 which I like as a great act of gratitude towards nature, ancestors and everyone who has helped us get where we are and also feeling of self love and gratification.


My biggest thanks to Amma (mom) for ever being extremely patient and kind with me. She gives of her time, effort, love and blessing endlessly and takes a lot of crap from me without any resistance. I do not know how she managed taking care of Appa (dad) all those years when I was absent and even when I came back to India and was in Bangalore instead of Chennai! Her benevolence and understanding is what is also enabling me to head back to US in spite of this being so inconvenient for her personally. She has been the epitome of sacrifice and selfless living I need to emulate in future. 

I want to thank Nandhini and Medhansh (wife and son) for always being there for me. They didn't question the move to India and never complained a single day in India. Medhansh (son) figured out how to utilize opportunities coming his way in India. Nandhini (wife) and I leveraged ola, swiggy, goibibo, IRTDC etc to the hilt. Life in India is convenient for the haves for sure. 

My sisters have been through the pain of several losses in the family together in these 2 years. It has been tough and they have been there for me all along. 

Geetha, Sundar (my first cousins) have been especially a great shoulder to lean on almost everyday in case of Geetha. She was also responsible for me getting a spiritual Guru! 

All our cousins, relatives have been very helpful, enjoyable company and great support during some very tough times. My spiritual journey wouldn't have been possible without all that support.

A few key learning:

1. visited so many temples. There is divinity there if you went with right attitude...
2. There is no need for a car in India. Ola Zindabad ('Praise be to you' in Hindi/Urdu) but they have their issues as well which need to be surmounted. Had fun meeting 2 new drivers for over 700 days in India on a daily basis. Teaches you patience and listening skills. 
3. Didn't miss all you can eat buffets too much from US. In fact couldn't handle them at all in India.
4. Learnt more about most of my first cousins and in fact attended some functions in family after skipping so many marriages, funerals and et al. 
5. Still didn't get enough time with Amma...
6. Spiritual India is alive and kicking. India is still the country to be born and lived in. Touche right!!!
7. Happiness is in the moment and not in a place, object or person. Don't worry be happy
8. Typed all this up in Doha airport after a blissful business class ride to Doha from
Chennai on Qatar airways. World’s best business class seat...they got the award from someone else not me but I do agree.
9. Learnt some more about our ancestors and their life journeys and sacrifices. More indebted to them. Doing Tarpanam (ritual offering to ancestors per Sanatana Dharma tradition) is something I look forward to each month for loading up on gratitude.
10. Every moment in life teaches you a lesson. Enjoy it, learn it well and that way we do not need to repeat it.

LIFE is beautiful. LIVE it UP!!!

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