Monday, January 13, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary Chapter 2 verse 23

Chapter 2 verse 23
“Weapons cleave it not, fire burns it not, water moistens it not, and wind dries it not”

Krishna describes the properties of the “Soul”. This reminded me of chemistry and chemical elements- Inert elements come to mind. The properties described are in a rarer club of an ultra inert element which is the ingredient of every being- Soul. None of nature’s effects can affect it. Words are not there to describe the beauty of the soul. The properties of the soul are better described by following: Love, bliss, truth, follows nature’s laws, impartial, non-violent etc.

Soul cannot be even described by these qualities or properties. It can only be felt. “Soulful music” they say is nectar to the ears! Our languages fall short sometimes. Definitely mine does!

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