Thursday, January 16, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary Chapter 2 verse 26-30

Chapter 2 verse 26-30

“But, even if you think of him as being constantly born and constantly dying, even then, you shouldn’t grieve. Indeed, certain is death for the born, and certain is birth for the dead; therefore, over the inevitable, you shouldn’t grieve. Beings are unmanifest in the beginning, and unmanifest again in their end, seem to be manifest in the middle. What then, is there to grieve about? One sees this as a wonder; another speaks of this as a wonder; another hears of this as a wonder; yet, having heard, none understands this at all! This- the indweller in the body of everyone is ever indestructible and therefore, you should not grieve for any creature.”

Krishna concludes the concept of separating Body, Mind and Soul in verse 30 and that’s why I am combing 5 verses for an essence of his teaching. Lord Krishna recognizes that in the knowledge of the Self- it is not enough to see, hear or speak of the wonder of cycle of birth and death and concept of “no death” for the Soul. IT HAS TO BE EXPERIENCED and until then NONE UNDERSTANDS! Lord Krishna was/is the best psychologist there is/was. He created and understands the sentient and non-sentient and entire Universe. If he doesn’t understand, who would? Silent reflection on the nature of the Self is encouraged and all the great sages/Rishis have done just that!

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