Thursday, January 30, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita chapter 2 verse 45

Chapter 2 verse 45

“The Vedas deal with the 3 attributes; be you above these 3 attributes (gunas), O Arjuna, free yourself from the pairs of opposites, and ever remain in the sattva (goodness), freed from all thoughts of acquisition and preservation, and be established in the Self”

It is very interesting to note that as far back as Dwapara Yuga more than 5000 years ago, Lord Krishna had to direct Arjuna to the correct interpretation of Vedas. I haven’t read the Vedas myself but dabbled on English translations and commentaries of parts of the Upanishad and commentaries of Gurus and all of them talk about the 3 gunas- Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. I know that later chapters of the Gita will talk about them in detail. However Krishna is again asking Arjuna to not get mired in the process of acquisition or preservation of the mortal things in life and be a resident in all things good which is Sattva Guna and contemplate on the immortal Self. The discussion on the 3 Gunas confuses a lot of people but we will deal with that topic later!

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