Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary Chapter 2 verse 35

Chapter 2 verse 35

“The great battalion commanders will think that you have withdrawn from the battle through fear; and you will be looked down upon by those who had thought much of you and your heroism in the past”

Krishna goes further on the shaming route to wake Arjuna up from his temporary stupor and encourage him to fight. Several of us in society is worried about what others will think of us and our actions. We live in anticipation of other’s beliefs and aspirations for us- starting from parents, relatives when you are a child to later teachers, bosses or customers when you are working for a living and then wife, kids when you get married and then at some point if you are lucky, when you get old, you give a damn to what people think about you. In fact you realize people are not thinking about you at all. There don’t have time from thinking about themselves to think about you! But this appears to be an age old problem Krishna is leveraging to encourage Arjuna to fight.

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