Sunday, January 19, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary- Chapter 2 verse 33

Chapter 2 verse 33

“But, if you will not fight this righteous war, then having abandoned your own duty and fame, you shall incur sin”

I am just re-reading a book called “Your Soul’s Plan” by Rob Swartz about pre-birth planning which talks about your Soul plans lessons before your birth and the brave hearts which are all of us in human form execute the often times tough lesson plans in order for us to learn the beautiful lessons which are nothing but attributes of the Soul such as compassion, unconditional love, humility, companionship, fearlessness etc.,

Punya and Papa- Good deeds and Sins are words used in our sanatana dharma not as rewards or punishments but more of what keeps you on the path to the divine and what lengthens your path. Doing your ordained duty such as fighting a righteous war keeps Arjuna on the path of divine and righteousness. Running away from his own “lesson plan” is going to create “papa” which is energy taken away from the path of divine. Sanatana dharma is the path which doesn’t condemn you to eternal hell/heaven due to your actions or karma. It has this beautiful law of karma and your actions will have consequences just for you invariably lengthening your path to Moksha or shortening it. That’s all! Nothing more, nothing less!

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