Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary chapter 2 verse 44

Chapter 2 verse 44

“For, those who cling to joy and lordship, whose minds are drawn away by such teaching, are neither determinate/resolute nor are they fit for steady meditation and samaadhi”

Krishna is clear that false interpretation and teaching of what is proscribed in the Vedas would render an individual in no man’s land. They will neither be able to perform actions to be best of one’s abilities since their desires for particular results would wean away critical energy from task at hand and render then with less grit, nor will they be able to get their mind steady of contemplative action in a meditative state. They may also not be able to perform meditation or reach a state of thoughtlessness which is samaadhi. Excellent instruction from Krishna!

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