Saturday, January 18, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary Chapter 2 verse 32

Chapter 2 verse 32

“Happy indeed are the Kshatriyas, who are called to fight in such a battle that comes of itself as an open door to heaven”

There is something to be said about doing the work what your are passionate about and you were born to do. In this case, a Kshatriya’s ultimate crescendo is fighting a righteous war where they can feel doing something for a cause bigger than themselves. In our past history, our sages or uber human psychologists understand the importance of following one’s inbuilt strengths, passion and lineage. That was the crux of the varna system. Krishna talks about reaching heaven after having a battle like this. The heaven he is talking about is right here on earth- in our heads. There is another sloka which talks about this concept coming up in future so I will wait for that one to elaborate further on this topic. Bringing this concept back to corporate world, the average business person would love to be involved in a big project with lots of upside to show for their work. Is’nt it? Someone at work yesterday talked about the early 90s where a hugely popular video game came along which had a lot of violence and bravado built into it. He said the primary reason why it came was to fill a void for action in American psyche for a major entity to despise such as Russia, no major wars US was involved in at that time. Interesting perspective! Kshatriyas are happy to fight a war bcos it is the biggest goddamn war of that time even if they get killed at end of it!

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