Sunday, January 26, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary Chapter 2 verse 41

Chapter 2 verse 41

“Here, O Joy of the Kurus (Kurunandana) there is but a single pointed determination; many-branched and endless are the thoughts of the irresolute”

There are several reflections for me in this sloka. First point is on amount of love Krishna showers on Arjuna calling him the joy of Kurus. In this stressful situation in midst of the battlefield, that affectionate name would do wonders for Arjuna’s state of mind sending positive vibrations to him. Second point is Krishna having established that he means well for Arjuna reminds him again of the need to not disperse his energies in various thoughts since each thought branches to multiple other thoughts and that tree of thoughts is endless. His single point determination needs to be to fight this battle.

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