Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Srimad Bhagavat Gita commentary Chapter 2 verse 43

Chapter 2 verse 43

“Full of desires, having heaven as their goal, they utter flowery words, which promise new birth as the reward of their actions, and prescribe various specific actions for the attainment of pleasure and lordship”

Krishna talks about both desire laden actions for attaining pleasure both when alive and after death in heaven. Human mind was for ages adrift with false goals where humans were going after momentary pleasure and desires. Misinterpretation of Vedas or scriptures to suit one’s agenda was happening even in dwapara yuga times. We can draw parallels to our current media which takes sides and usually not neutral. Adi Shankara pointed it out in Kali Yuga and Krishna is pointing it out in Dwapara Yuga. So our mental condition is not unique. Others before us have found themselves in this state of mind where we go after desire laden actions promising goodies at the end of the goal. In my personal experience, this concept of desire less actions is very difficult to comprehend and accomplish.

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